Routing Configuration

Routing configuration establishes the IP paths over which network traffic is routed. Use the Routing tab to set destination IP and gateway addresses, enabling assignment of static IP addresses for requesting clients. Priority assignments for static routes determines the default gateway. If connectivity fails or the default gateway becomes unusable, failover to the next highest priority, active static route occurs.

To add or delete static route for a device:

  1. Select either Profiles or Devices.

    The window displays a list controllers and access points within the managed network.

  2. Select a profile or device in the list to open its configuration window.
  3. Select the Network > Routing tabs.
    The network routing configuration window opens. If any static routes have been configured, they appear in a list in the Static Routes pane. The Total number of existing static routes is shown in parentheses. The currently active default gateway is identified with a green checkmark under the Default Gateway column.
  4. In the Static Routes pane, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select the sort icon adjacent to a column heading to sort the data by the heading topic. By default, the data is sorted in ascending order, as indicated by the direction of the arrow in the icon . Toggle the icon to sort the column data in descending order . The "1" indicates by which column heading topic the data is currently sorted.
    2. Select the Edit icon associated with a static route to modify the Network Address and Gateway settings, as described in the table below. To edit priority settings for configured gateways, proceed to step 7.
    3. Select the Delete icon to delete an existing static route.
    4. Select the Add icon to configure a static route. Set the following parameters, then proceed to step 5 to assign a priority to this route.
      Network Address Add network IP addresses and network masks.
      Gateway Enter the Gateway IP address. This is the gateway used to route traffic to the specified network.
  5. In the Default Route Priority pane, set the following parameters to assign priorities to the static route gateway added in the previous step:
    Static Default Route Priority Use the spinner control to set the priority value (1 - 8,000) for the default static route. This is weight assigned to this route versus others that have been defined. The default setting is 100.
    DHCP Client Default Route Priority Use the spinner control to set the priority value (1 - 8,000) for the default route learned from the DHCP client. The default setting is 1000.
    Enable Routing Failure When selected, all configured gateways are monitored for activity. The system invokes failover to a live gateway if the current default gateway becomes unusable. This feature is enabled by default.
  6. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.

  7. To view or edit the static route and DHCP client priority settings for the configured gateways, go to Remote CLI and select the Add icon to start a CLI session. Log in, and choose from the following actions:
    1. To view the assigned priorities for configured gateways, use the CLI command: <DEVICE>(config-device-<MAC>|config-profile-<PROFILE-NAME>)#show ip default-gateways
    2. To edit the assigned priorities for configured gateways, use the CLI command: <DEVICE>(config-device-<MAC>|config-profile-<PROFILE-NAME>)#ip default-gateway [<IP>|<HOST-ALIAS-NAME>|failover|priority [dhcpclient <1-8000>|static-route <1-8000>]]
    vx9000-3C6F18(config-profile-default-profile)#ip default-gateway priority dhcp-client <1-8000>